Not on the High Street

Saturday 12 March 2011

I'm so excited because I applied to sell on last week. The first email they send you basically tells you not to get excited. Over 90% of applications are rejected and if you haven't heard in two weeks, you haven't made it. I sent them some pictures of my calligraphy stuff and a picture of the above...a 'stone canvas'. It's my 'whistle whistle...' calligraphy (see earlier post), carved in stone then photographed and printed onto canvas. I'm so excited about it because I think it looks really really gives the illusion that it is stone. So I took loads of pictures, wrote my ideas down in a carefully worded email (which took half a day to write....)

...and I waited...and obsessively checked my email every hour.

And then it came..they said they 'loved my range' exciting!!!!

(Thank for the BRILLIANT card, Lally!)


  1. congratulations...not only beautiful work but commercial too!
    Hope you sell loads!
    Thank you for your kind comments and for following my blog....I'm very flattered!


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