Baby, It's Cold Outside!

Wednesday, 8 February 2012

My car battery is getting on and, consequently, if the temperature drops below 5c my car will not start.

This is very frustrating because I need to get everyone out the house and in the car by 8.15 and when Mr Wild Ink leaves for work at 6am and there are no residents at home in our village I cannot jump start my car. Every moment of my day is accounted for so this week there is no time to get a battery until the weekend.

Also my washing machine in the shed keeps freezing up so I can't wash clothes for a week AND we've run out of logs.

Normally these things wouldn't faze me but with all we need to do with our house renovation, it's just more things to sort out...

When I sat down (at 11.30pm!!!) last night my heart was warmed by this lovely photo taken by Charlotte. I had a read through her lovely, lovely blog and felt all the stresses of my day unravel.

I then had a little nose at Jane Brocket's fantastic blog which, like all her books, is such a pleasure to read. It's what I love about blogging... reading a snippet of someone else's life. A guilty pleasure for me, like eating chocolate...but low in fat!


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